NIJ Advisory Notices and NIJ Safety Notices to Law Enforcement and Corrections Agencies

The National Institute of Justice Compliance Testing Program (NIJ CTP) is a cornerstone in law enforcement and corrections safety. While participation in the NIJ's testing program is voluntary, it is widely recognized and respected within the industry. The decision by manufacturers to comply with NIJ standards is a testament to their commitment to quality and safety. By adhering to these standards, manufacturers not only demonstrate their dedication to the welfare of those in law enforcement and corrections but also gain a competitive edge in the market, as their products are seen as reliable and trustworthy. 

A critical function of NIJ CTP is the issuance of Advisory and Safety Notices. These notices are instrumental in maintaining high safety standards in body armor. They serve a dual purpose: firstly, to inform law enforcement agencies and other interested parties about potential issues with specific models of body armor, and secondly, to protect officers on the ground by addressing these safety concerns proactively.   

The NIJ's role goes beyond mere certification; it involves continuously monitoring, testing, and updating standards to reflect new technologies and threats. This dynamic approach ensures that the equipment used by law enforcement and corrections agencies remains at the forefront of safety and technology.  

Manufacturers that comply with NIJ standards are subject to rigorous testing and evaluation. This ensures that their products meet the high benchmarks set for performance and safety. In return, these manufacturers benefit from the NIJ's reputation for excellence, giving them a mark of quality recognized across the industry. 

In this context, understanding the nuances of Advisory and Safety Notices is crucial for manufacturers and end-users. For manufacturers, it guides them in maintaining and improving their standards. For law enforcement agencies, it helps in making informed decisions about the equipment they trust to protect their officers. The NIJ CTP, through its comprehensive and robust testing program, thus plays a pivotal role in upholding the safety and effectiveness of body armor in challenging and evolving operational environments.  

Chart of NIJ Active Advisory and Safety Notices for NIJ 0101.06 models from 2005 to 2024, created by IntelAlytic

Understanding Advisory Notices and Clarifying Misconceptions  

What an Advisory Notice Is 

Advisory Notices are crucial in the NIJ Compliance Testing Program's (NIJ CTP) efforts to maintain the highest safety standards. They are issued when there are concerns about specific models of body armor. These concerns often emerge during the rigorous testing and evaluation processes conducted by the NIJ CTP. When an Advisory Notice is issued, it temporarily suspends the affected body armor model(s) from the Compliant Product List (CPL). This suspension is a precautionary measure, allowing for a detailed review and evaluation of the product. Once the concerns are thoroughly investigated and resolved, NIJ CTP communicates the outcome to the relevant criminal justice agencies, ensuring transparency and safety. 

What an Advisory Notice Is Not 

It is essential to understand what an Advisory Notice does not signify. An Advisory Notice is not an outright condemnation or a permanent ban on the body armor model. Instead, it is a temporary measure to address and rectify any potential issues. This notice should not be interpreted as a final judgment on the quality or efficacy of the manufacturer's other products.  

Additionally, an Advisory Notice is not a punitive action against the manufacturer. It is a part of a systematic approach to uphold safety standards and protect users. The goal is to work collaboratively with manufacturers to identify and resolve issues, ensuring that the body armor meets the rigorous standards set by the NIJ. 

Furthermore, an Advisory Notice does not imply that the body armor is unsafe for all uses. It indicates that there are specific concerns that need to be addressed. Law enforcement agencies are often advised to continue using the armor under notice until a resolution is achieved, mainly if no immediate alternative is available. 

In summary, an Advisory Notice is a critical tool the NIJ CTP uses to maintain high safety standards in body armor. It is a checkpoint to ensure law enforcement and corrections officers have the most reliable and effective protective equipment. Understanding the nature of these notices helps manufacturers, agencies, and officers navigate the complexities of compliance and safety in this vital field. 

Understanding Safety Notices with Context and Implications  

What a Safety Notice Is 

Safety Notices represent a more critical concern than Advisory Notices and are issued by the NIJ Compliance Testing Program (NIJ CTP) under more severe circumstances. These notices are triggered when a significant safety issue is identified with a specific body armor model. Unlike Advisory Notices, Safety Notices immediately remove the affected model(s) from the Compliant Product List (CPL). This action underscores the urgency and seriousness of the safety concerns identified. 

The primary objective of issuing a Safety Notice is to promptly alert law enforcement agencies about the risks associated with the continued use of the specified body armor model. Agencies are strongly advised to replace any units of the body armor model(s) mentioned in the Safety Notice as swiftly as possible to ensure the safety of their personnel. 

What a Safety Notice Is Not 

It is essential to clarify what a Safety Notice does not imply. Firstly, a Safety Notice is not a generic statement about a manufacturer's product line. It specifically targets a particular model or models that have been found to have significant safety issues. This does not automatically cast doubt on the manufacturer's other body armor models that may still be compliant and safe. 

Secondly, a Safety Notice does not necessarily suggest intentional wrongdoing or negligence on the manufacturer's part. Safety issues can arise due to various factors, including changes in manufacturing processes, materials, or design flaws that were not apparent during initial testing. The NIJ CTP's objective is not to assign blame but to ensure that safety concerns are promptly and effectively addressed. 

Moreover, a Safety Notice is not a permanent black mark against a model. If the manufacturer can address the issues raised and demonstrate through subsequent testing that the model now meets NIJ standards, the model can potentially be reinstated on the CPL. 

Lastly, a Safety Notice does not imply that agencies should immediately cease using the affected armor in all situations. While the recommendation is to replace the armor as soon as feasible, the practicalities of equipment procurement may mean that some agencies need to continue using the armor until replacements are available. The key is to balance the urgency of the safety concerns with the practical aspects of equipping officers in the field. 

Safety Notices are a critical component of the NIJ CTP's mandate to ensure the highest standards of safety in body armor used by law enforcement and corrections personnel. They reflect the NIJ's commitment to ongoing vigilance and responsiveness in the face of potential safety issues. Understanding the specific nature and implications of Safety Notices helps law enforcement agencies make informed decisions about the protective equipment they rely on and guides manufacturers in maintaining and improving the safety standards of their products. 

The Process Behind Notices 

Most Advisory and Safety Notices stem from NIJ CTP’s follow-up inspection and testing (FIT) process. A body armor model failing to comply with performance standards during the FIT process may result in an Advisory Notice. The manufacturer must then undertake several steps to resolve the issue. These include identifying all affected armor units, notifying end users, conducting a root cause analysis, and providing evidence of corrective actions to the NIJ CTP. An Advisory Notice is considered closed when the manufacturer meets all these conditions, allowing the model to be reinstated on the CPL. 

Chart of current NIJ CPL Models count and status, activem inactive, and suspended. Created by IntelAlytic

Closed NIJ Advisory Notices 

When a manufacturer cannot satisfactorily address the issues outlined in an Advisory Notice within a reasonable timeframe or if the noncompliance poses an immediate or significant safety concern, NIJ CTP may escalate the response to a Safety Notice. This results in the immediate removal of the affected model(s) from the CPL. 

Recommendations for Public Safety Agencies 

Agencies are advised to continue using armor under notice until the issue is resolved or replacement armor is available. This ensures that officers are not left unprotected. 

Contact Information 

For further information and guidance, criminal justice agencies can contact the NIJ Compliance Testing Program directly: 

Address: P.O. Box 12194, 3040 E. Cornwallis Road, Hermann Building, Room 216, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 

Phone: 919.485.2717 



The NIJ CTP's Advisory and Safety Notices are critical in maintaining the integrity and safety of body armor used by law enforcement and corrections agencies. By adhering to these notices, agencies can ensure the safety and effectiveness of the equipment used to protect their personnel. 


Recommendations to Manufacturers Regarding Advisory and Safety Notices 

Body armor manufacturers play a critical role in ensuring the safety and reliability of equipment used by law enforcement and corrections agencies. Understanding the do's and don'ts regarding the NIJ Compliance Testing Program's (NIJ CTP) Advisory and Safety Notices is crucial for maintaining compliance and safeguarding the integrity of their products. 

Do's for Manufacturers 

  1. Proactive Communication: Stay in constant communication with NIJ CTP. Promptly inform them about potential issues or changes in product design or materials. 

  2. Strict Adherence to Standards: Ensure all products consistently meet or exceed NIJ performance standards. Regular internal testing and quality assurance checks are critical. 

  3. Thorough Documentation: Maintain detailed records of all manufacturing processes, material batches, and changes. This documentation is vital in case of an Advisory Notice. 

  4. Immediate Response to Notices: Respond swiftly to any Advisory or Safety Notices. This includes understanding the nature of the issue and beginning the resolution process without delay. 

  5. Engage in Root Cause Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive root cause analysis to identify and rectify the underlying problem when notified of a potential issue. 

  6. End-User Notification: Promptly inform all affected end-users with units identified in an Advisory or Safety Notice, offering clear guidance and solutions. 

  7. Implement Corrective Actions: Develop and apply practical corrective actions to address the identified issues, ensuring such issues do not recur. 

Don'ts for Manufacturers 

  1. Ignore NIJ Communications: Never overlook or delay responding to communications from NIJ CTP. Timeliness is critical in addressing safety concerns. 

  1. Compromise on Quality for Cost: Avoid cutting corners in production that could compromise the quality and safety of the body armor. 

  1. Withhold Information: Do not withhold information about potential issues or failures from NIJ CTP or end-users. Transparency is crucial for trust and safety. 

  1. Overlook End-User Feedback: Do not ignore end-user feedback, as it can provide valuable insights into the performance and potential issues of the body armor in real-world conditions. 

  1. Delay Corrective Measures: Avoid delaying the implementation of corrective measures once an issue is identified. Swift action is necessary to maintain credibility and safety standards. 

  1. Attack and Publicize Wrong Information: Manufacturers must understand that the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is not an adversary but a critical regulatory body that upholds safety standards. Engaging in public attacks or spreading misinformation about your company's Advisory or Safety Notice to discredit the NIJ is unprofessional and counterproductive. The NIJ's role in administering published standards, overseeing compliance testing programs, and managing the compliant product listing database is fundamental to ensuring the integrity and safety of body armor. Such actions can damage your reputation, undermine trust in your products, and potentially lead to legal consequences. Maintaining a cooperative and respectful relationship with the NIJ is essential for your company's credibility and long-term success. 

For manufacturers, adhering to these recommendations is essential for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of body armor. This not only fulfills regulatory obligations but also reinforces the commitment to protecting the lives of those in law enforcement and corrections agencies. By following these guidelines, manufacturers can effectively navigate the NIJ Advisory and Safety Notices landscape, maintaining their end-users trust and safety. 

IntelAlytic's Commitment to Excellence in Public Safety 

In conclusion, IntelAlytic is ready to partner with industry stakeholders, offering expert guidance and resources to ensure adherence to NIJ CTP compliance and foster the long-term sustainability of body armor models. Our focus on best practices, quality management, and continuous improvement is vital to ensuring the safety and effectiveness of equipment used by public safety personnel. We invite you to join us in this vital mission to uphold and enhance the standards that protect our law enforcement and corrections officers. Reach out to IntelAlytic for support that makes a difference in safeguarding those who serve and protect our communities. 

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